In celebration of World Water Day, we interviewed Young Professionals in the forWater Network to find out more about their research. Jeremie Mahaux, Biological Sciences, University of Alberta
What are you currently studying? I'm studying the impacts of prescribed fire on drinking water quality and treatability on Vancouver Island. Why is your research important to water security or safety in Canada? My research will help ascertain the feasibility of using prescribed burning as a management tool in forested watersheds that are used to supply drinking water. Prescribed burning is typically used to reduce fuel loads (in a cost-effective manner) and thereby reduces the risk of large-scale wildfires, which are generally quite harmful to drinking water. What is your favourite thing about water? This is a hard one! It has so many interesting properties, like being densest at 4C, or its organized structure when it freezes. It can dissolve and carry so many things. I also love how much a part of our lives it is; beyond just hydrating us, it can provide comfort and relaxation, be part of an awe-inspiring landscape, or just be fun to play in. For more information about Jeremie's research, contact him at [email protected]
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forWater NetworkThe Network provides insights into new scientific research for safe, secure drinking water---globally---which starts with resilient forests Archives
November 2024
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