Click on the coloured tabs to see publications and presentations from the four themes of the forWater Network.
Watershed Science
Downstream Effects
Water Treatability
Resource Economics
Allied Works
Theme 1 – Pacific Maritime
- Bourgeois A, Tank S, Floyd BC, Olefeldt D, Emelko MB, Amiri F. 2022. Hydrology predominates over harvesting and physiography to control water quality and treatability in forested watersheds on Canada’s Pacific Coast. Abstract H32U-1180. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 14. Poster.
- Mistick E, Johnson MS. 2020. High-frequency analysis of dissolved organic carbon storm responses in headwater streams of contrasting forest harvest history. Journal of Hydrology, 590:125371, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.125371. [Article]
- Turner E, Silins U, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Stone M, Emelko MB. 2022. Pushing the boundaries of BACI: Effects of the 2017 Kenow Mtn. wildfire on flow regime of Cameron Creek, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada. Abstract GC55H-0331. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 16. Poster.
- Silins U, Williams CHS, Spencer SA, Wagner MJ, Cherlet E, Stone M, Emelko MB, Anderson AE, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Hawthorn K, Herlein K, Martens AM, Quideau SM. 2022. Fire, flooding, and forestry in a warmer rocky mountain region: Impacts of single and compound natural and anthropogenic land disturbances on watershed sediment production. Abstract NH42B-0417. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 15. Poster.
- Silins U, Turner E, Stone M, Emelko MB, Dyck MF, Quideau SM, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Herlein K. 2022. Effects of Kenow & Lost Ck. fires Rocky Mtn. headwater streams: How much can be generalized after fire? Kenow Wildfire Research Symposium, Waterton Lakes National Park, AB, November 8-10. Invited.
- Silins U, Anderson AE, Cherlet E, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Emelko MB, Fitzpatrick J, Hawthorn K, Herlein K, Krishnappan BG, Martens AM, Quideau SM, Spencer SA, Stone M, Wagner MJ, Williams CHS. 2022. Strategic issues in disturbance hydrology of Alberta’s eastern slopes: Déjà vu and emerging pressures. Foothills Research Institute, Water and Fish Program workshop, Edmonton, AB, May 10-12. Invited.
- Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Cooke C, Emmerton C, Williams CHS, Wagner M, Martens AM, Anderson AE, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Quideau SM. 2022. Wildfire impacts to water: How much can we generalize? Resilience Institute: Fire & Ice program; Wildfire in a Changing World Workshop, Online, April 22.
- Puntenney-Desmond KC, Bladon KD, Silins U. 2020. Runoff and sediment production from harvested hillslopes and the riparian area during high intensity rainfall events. Journal of Hydrology, 582:124452, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2019.124452. [Article]
- Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Wagner MJ, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Anderson AE, Spencer SA, Quideau SM, Hawthorn K, Krishnappan BG, Bladon KD. 2019. The Canadian Southern Rockies Watershed Project observatory; Natural disturbance and land management effects on watersheds from “source to tap”. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abst. PA13B-1018, December 9-13.
- Fath KJ, Anderson AE, Silins U, Devito KJ. 2019. Source areas and sediment plumes in the Simonette: A new approach to modelling road-stream connectivity in the Canadian Foothills. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abst. EP51C-2101, December 9-13 (poster).
- Mueller D, Silins U, Dyck MF. 2019. Impacts of clear-cut harvesting on production and subsurface transport of dissolved organic carbon in the southern Canadian Rocky Mountains. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abst. B13G-2575, December 9-13.
- Baldock RL, Quideau SM, Silins U, Oh SW. 2019 Fire and forest harvesting impacts on soil organic matter and dissolved organic matter composition in the Canadian Rocky Mountains. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, Abst. B33G-2551, December 9-13.
- Emelko/Silins/Stone designed and delivered an invited continuing education operator training session on source water protection strategies, Western Canada Water Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, September 17, 2019.
- Greenacre D, Silins U, Dyck M. 2019. Effects of alternative forest harvesting practices on snow and soil water dynamics. B.C. Southern Interior Silviculture Committee, 2019 SISCO Winter Workshop, Kelowna, BC, January 21-23.
- Silins U, Herlein K, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Stone M, Collins AL, Emelko MB, Wagner MJ, Hawthorn K. 2018. Impact of contemporary forest harvesting strategies on sediment production in Alberta’s Rocky Mountains: New insights on an old story? Abst. H13J-1884, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
- Cherlet E, Williams CHS, Herlein K, Hawthorn K, Silins U. 2018. Evaluating accuracy of simple winter precipitation overspill systems with tipping bucket gauges for winter precipitation monitoring in remote mountain weather station networks. Abst. H13P-1980, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
- Greenacre D, Silins U, Dyck M. 2018. Spatial and temporal patterns of snowpack accumulation and melt after strip-shelterwood harvesting in the Southern Alberta Rockies. Abst. C42B-08, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14.
- Bahramian S, Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, Shams S, Williams CHS. 2018. Assessment of contemporary forest harvesting impacts on NOM and disinfection by-product formation potential. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference, Toronto, ON, November 11-15.
- Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Anderson A, Dyck M, Mueller K, Quideau S, 10 others. 2018. Southern Rockies Watershed Project: Forested source water protection in Alberta’s eastern slopes. Red Deer River Municipal Users Group, Drumheller, AB, September 20.
- Karpyshin S, Silins U, Dyck M. 2018. Transpiration response of residual Lodgepole pine after strip and partial-cut harvesting in Alberta’s southern Rocky Mountains. Canadian Institute of Forestry, 110th CIF AGM & Conference, Grande Prairie, AB, September 18-20.
- Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Adamowicz W, Anderson A, Dupont D, Williams CHS, Herlein K, Krishnappan BG, Collins AL, 4 others. 2018. Southern Rockies Watershed Project: Informing source water protection strategies in Alberta. Alberta Agriculture & Forestry, and Alberta Environment and Parks water and land management staff, July 26 (webinar).
- Southern Rockies Watershed Project: Sediment from harvesting and road-stream crossings in front-range eastern slopes watersheds. Canfor and the Forest Resource Improvement Association of Alberta, June 25, 2018, 18 p. (project report).
- Devito K, Saunders T, Kiyani A, Gan TY, Hancock T, Little-Devito M, Spafford M, Mendoza C. 2023. Detecting impacts of large scale aspen harvest on water yield in Boreal streams: Nexus of climate, geology, and beaver. Canadian Geophysical Union Annual Meeting 2023, Banff, Canada, May 7-10.
- Hokanson KJ, Rostron BJ, Devito KJ, Hopkinson C, Mendoza CA. 2022. Landscape controls of surface-water/groundwater interactions on shallow outwash lakes: How the long-term groundwater signal overrides interannual variability due to evaporative effects. Hydrogeology Journal. (602)30:251-264. [Article]
- Orlova J, Olefeldt D, Emelko MB, Amiri F, Bourgeois A, Buttle JM, Cherlet E, Cuss C, Devito K, Floyd BC, Hutchins RHS, Foster DE, Jamieson RC, Johnson MS, McSorley H, Silins U, Qi N, Tank S, Thompson L, Williams CHS. 2022. Influence of landscape, climate and disturbances on the chemical composition of riverine dissolved organic matter across Canada’s forested ecozones. Abstract H56A-05. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 16.
- Pugh EA, Olefeldt D, Leader SN, Hokanson KJ, Devito KJ. 2021. Characteristics of dissolved organic carbon in Boreal Lakes: High spatial and inter-annual variability controlled by landscape attributes and wet-dry periods. Water Resources Research, 57(11):e2021WR030021. [Article]
- Hokanson KJ, Thompson C, Devito K, Mendoza CA. 2021. Hummock-scale controls on groundwater recharge rates and the potential for developing local groundwater flow systems in water-limited environments. Journal of Hydrology, 603(Part A): 126894. [Article]
- Hokanson KJ, Peterson ES, Devito KJ, Mendoza CA. 2020. Forestland-peatland hydrologic connectivity in water-limited environments: Hydraulic gradients often oppose topography. Environmental Research Letters, 15:034021. DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ab699a. [Article]
- Hokanson KJ, Devito KJ, Mendoza CA. 2020. The give and take (but mostly take) of forested boreal plains hummocks: Are they hydrologic sources or sinks? European Geophysical Union, On-line Annual Meeting, EGU2020-107, Vienna, May 3-9. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-107. [Abstract]
- Orlova J, Olefeldt D, Amiri F, Bourgeois A, Buttle J, Cherlet E, Emelko MB, Floyd B, Foster D, Hutchins R, Jamieson R, Johnson M, McSorley H, Qi N, Silins U, Tank S, Thompson L, Williams CHS. 2020. Regional variability in stream dissolved organic matter characteristics across forested regions of Canada, and its implications for drinking water treatability. European Geophysical Union, On-line Annual Meeting, EGU2020-12327, Vienna, May 3-9. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-12327. [Abstract]
- Devito KJ, James LM, Alessi DS, Hokanson KJ, Kettridge N, Little-Devito M, Mendoza CA. 2020. Perched peatlands: Insights into eco-hydrologic roles of peatlands in water limited boreal environments. European Geophysical Union, On-line Annual Meeting, EGU2020-22254, Vienna, May 3-9. [Article]
- Hokanson KJ, Mendoza CA, Devito KJ. 2019. Interactions between regional climate, surficial geology, and topography: Characterizing shallow groundwater systems in subhumid, low-relief landscapes. Water Resources Research, 55(1): 284-297. DOI: 10.1029/2018WR023934. [Article]
- Pugh E. 2019. Water quality & wetland science. Research in a Briefcase, Slave Lake, AB, October 10.
- Hokanson KJ, Peterson ES, Devito KJ, Mendoza CA. 2019. Peatland hydrologic sovereignty in a water-limited world: Subverting an ecohydrologic paradigm. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics General Assembly, Montreal, QC, July 9.
- Hokanson KJ. 2019. Watershed moment: Researchers present new framework for groundwater modeling in Alberta and beyond. Faculty of Science media spot, May. [Media]
- Hokanson KJ, Mendoza CA, Devito KJ. 2019. Peatland hydrologic sovereignty in a water-limited world: Subverting an ecohydrologic paradigm. University of Alberta Institute of Geophysical Research Spring Symposium, Edmonton, AB, April 2.
- Pugh EA, Devito KJ, Olefeldt D. 2019. Spatial & inter-annual variability of DOM characteristics in Boreal Plain lakes. Northern Research Days, Edmonton, AB, March 15 (poster).
- Pugh EA, Devito KJ, Olefeldt D. 2019. Spatial & interannual variability of DOM characteristics in Boreal Plain lakes. Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) 2019 Aquatic Sciences Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, February 22.
- Hokanson KJ, Devito KJ, Mendoza CA. 2018. Shallow groundwater systems in sub-humid, low-relief Boreal Plain landscapes: Interactions between glacial landforms, climate, and topography. Proceedings, GeoEdmonton, 71st Canadian Geotechnical & 13th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Edmonton, AB, September, Paper 511, 8p.
- Pugh EA et al. 2018. Landscape characteristics influencing spatio-temporal variability of water quality in Boreal Plains shallow lakes. GeoEdmonton, 2018, 71st Canadian Geotechnical & 13th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Edmonton, AB, September 23-26.
- Hokanson KJ et al. 2018. Shallow groundwater systems in sub-humid, low-relief Boreal Plain landscapes: Interactions between glacial landforms, climate, and topography. GeoEdmonton 2018, 71st Canadian Geotechnical & 13th Joint CGS/IAH-CNC Groundwater Conference, Edmonton, AB, September 23-26.
- McPhail S, Buttle JM, Webster KL, Leach JA. 2023. Persistent chemostatic behaviour of stream solutes in a northern hardwood forest under climatic and atmospheric deposition changes. Hydrological Processes, 37(5):e14888. [Article]
- Watkins M. 2022. The effects of forest disturbance on water quality in the Algoma region, central Ontario. CMOS-CGU-ESC 2022: Advances in Forest Hydrology Part 1. Virtual conference. June 2.
- Leach JA, Buttle JM, Webster KL, Hazlett PW, Jeffries DS. 2020. Travel times for snowmelt-dominated headwater catchments: Influences of wetlands and forest harvesting, and linkages to stream water quality. Hydrological Processes, 34(10):2154-2175. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13746. [Article]
- Foster DE, Duinker PN, Jamieson RC, Keys K, Steenberg JWN. 2024. Where does the carbon go? Long-term effects of forest management on the carbon budget of a temperate-forest water-supply watershed. Journal of Environmental Management, 352:120007. [Article]
- Johnston LH, Dunnington DW, Greenwood MC, Kurylyk BL, Jamieson RC. 2022. Identifying hydrologic regimes and drivers in Nova Scotia, Canada: Catchment classification efforts for a data-limited region. Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, 27(11):05022017-1—13 (Nov), DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)HE.1943-5584.0002200. [Article]
- Gardner D. 2021. Characterizing post-harvest carbon pools in the Pockwock Watershed. Masters of Resource and Environment Management Internship Final Report, Dalhousie University.
- Large C. 2020. Characterizing carbon content of wetlands in the Pockwock Watershed. Masters of Resource and Environment Management Internship Final Report, Dalhousie University.
- Foster D, Duinker P, Jamieson R. 2020. Managing forests for potable water treatability. Canadian Institute of Forestry Virtual Annual General Meeting, September.
- Langelaan D, Foster D, Johnson L, Duinker P, Jamieson R. 2020. Examining the effects of forest management of dissolved organic carbon export. Canadian Water Resources Association Mid-term Conference, Saint John, NB, January 31 (poster).
- Aksenchuk J. 2019. Characterizing the variability in the forest floor’s carbon content in the Pockwock Watershed. Masters of Resource and Environment Management Internship Final Report, Dalhousie University.
Theme 2
- Fines RW, Stone M, Webster KL, Leach JA, Buttle JM, Emelko MB, Collins AL. 2023. Evaluation of legacy forest harvesting impacts on dominant stream water sources and implications for water quality using end member mixing analysis. Water, 15(15):2825. [Article]
- Maltauro R, Stone M, Collins AL, Krishnappan BG, Silins U. 2023. Effect of shear-dependent flocculation on the multimodality of effective particle size distributions in a gravel-bed river during high flows. Journal of Soils and Sediments, 23:3589-3601. [Article]
- Hampton TB, Rust AJ, Saxe S, Hogue TS, Basu NB. 2023. Wildfire alters stream nutrient concentration-discharge relationships. Abstract GC43H-1383. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 14. Poster.
- Hampton TB, Lin S, Basu NB. 2022. Forest fire effects on stream water quality at continental scales: A meta-analysis. Environmental Research Letters, 17(6):064003, DOI: 10.1088/1748-9326/ac6a6c. [Article]
- Hampton TB, Basu NB. 2022. A novel Budyko-based approach to quantify post-forest-fire streamflow response and recovery timescales. Journal of Hydrology, 608:127685. [Article]
- Hampton TB. 2022. Wildfire alters stream nutrient concentration-discharge relationships. Abstract GC53B-06. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 16.
- Tullio M, Stone M, Silins U. 2022. Impact of wildfire on particulate phosphorus forms in gravel bed rivers at large basin scales. Abstract H32S-1162. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 14. Poster.
- Fines R, Stone M, Webster KL, Leach JA, Buttle JM, Emelko MB, Collins A. 2022. Legacy impacts of clear cut harvesting on end member contributions to stream flow and phosphorus concentrations at Turkey Lakes Watershed. Abstract H32S-1163. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 14. Poster.
- Maltauro R, Stone M, Collins AL, Krishnappan BC, Silins U. 2022. Characterizing multimodality in effective particle size distributions of suspended particulate matter in a gravel bed river. Abstract EP12D-1055. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago IL, December 12.
- Gray A, Stone M, Emelko MB. 2022. Event-scale variability in the fractional composition of dissolved organic carbon in two Boreal Shield headwater catchments. Abstract H13G-07. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago IL, December 12.
- Stone M. 2022. Landscape disturbance and water quality variability: The urgent need to implement fine sediment management in the water industry. International Workshop for Innovation in Safe Drinking Water, UNICAMP, Brazil, October 11. Keynote – Invited.
- Stone M. 2022. Management of fine sediment threats to water quality: Opportunities, limitations, and the need for strategic watershed monitoring. International Workshop for Innovation in Safe Drinking Water, UNICAMP, Brazil, October 10.
- Gray A, Stone M. 2022. Event-scale hydrologic responses in a hardwood dominated headwater catchment 25 years following clearcut harvesting. CMOS-CGU-ESC 2022: Advances in Forest Hydrology Part 1. Virtual conference. June 2.
- Fines W, Stone M, Webster KL, Leach JA, Buttle JM, Emelko MB. 2022. Immediate and legacy impacts of several forest harvesting approaches on phosphorus yields in the experimental Turkey Lakes Watershed. CGU Student meeting, University of Saskatchewan, June 2.
- Gray A, Stone M, Webster KL, Leach JA, Buttle JM, Emelko MB. 2022. Event-scale hydrologic responses in a sugar maple dominated headwater catchment 25 years following clearcut harvesting. CGU Student meeting, University of Saskatchewan, June 2.
- Watt C, Emelko MB, Silins U, Collins AL, Stone M. 2021. Anthropogenic and climate-exacerbated landscape disturbances converge to alter phosphorus bioavailability in an oligotrophic river. Water, 13(22):3151. [Article]
- Stone M, Krishnappan BG, Silins U, Emelko MB, Williams CHS, Collins AL, Spencer SA, 2021. A new framework for modelling fine sediment transport in rivers includes flocculation to inform reservoir management in wildfire impacted watersheds. Water, 13(17):2319. [Article]
- Stone M, Krishnappan BG, Granger S, Upadhayay HR, Zhang Y, Chivers CA, Decent Q, Collins AL. 2021. Deposition and erosion behaviour of cohesive sediments in the upper River Taw observatory, southwest UK: Implications for management and modelling. Journal of Hydrology, 598:126145. [Article]
- Granger SJ, Harris P, Upadhayay HR, Sint H, Pulley S, Stone M, Krishnappan BG, Collins AL, 2021. Novel approaches to investigating spatial variability in channel bank total phosphorus at the catchment scale. Catena, 202:105223. [Article]
- Hampton TB, Lin SGM, Basu NB. 2021. Wildfire effects on water quality at continental and global scales: A meta-analysis. AGU Fall Meeting 2021, New Orleans, LA & Online, GC21C-06, December 14.
- Collins AL, Blackwell M, Boeckx P, Chivers C-A, Emelko MB, Evrard O, Foster I, Gellis A, Gholami H, Granger S, Harris P, Horowitz AJ, Laceby JP, Martinez-Carreras N, Minella J, Mol L, Nosrati K, Pulley S, Silins U, da Silva YJ, Stone M, Tiecher T, Upadhayay HR, Zhang Y. 2020. Sediment source fingerprinting: Benchmarking recent outputs, remaining challenges and emerging themes. Journal of Soils and Sediments. 20:4160-4193. [Article]
- Krishnappan BG, Stone M, Granger SJ, Upadhayay HR, Tang Q, Zhang Y, Collins AL. 2020. Experimental investigation of erosion characteristics of fine-grained cohesive sediments. Water, 12(5):1511. [Article]
- Stone M, Krishnappan BG, Emelko MB, Silins U. 2020. Modelling resuspension of fine bottom reservoir sediments to manage risks to drinking water treatability in a changing climate. American Geophysical Union On-line Fall Meeting 2020, Abstract H004-0036, December (poster).
- Humeny EC, Anderson AE, Shotyk W. 2020. Unpaved access roads in managed forests as sources of bioaccessible phosphorus to surface waters: Implications for drinking water across Canada. Canadian Geophysical Union Online Seminars 2020, (poster).
- Hampton TB, Lin SGM, Basu NB. 2020. Wildfire effects on water quality at continental and global scales: A meta-analysis. Society for Freshwater Summer of Science Conference, June.
- Fath J, Anderson AE. 2019. Source areas and sediment plumes in the Simonette: A new approach to modelling road-stream connectivity in the Canadian Rocky Mountain Foothills. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 9-13 (poster).
- Hampton T, Basu N. 2019. Partitioning post-forest-fire hydrologic response into climate and catchment components using the Budyko framework. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, B33G-2548, December 9-13 (poster).
- Fath KJ, Anderson A. 2019. New tools to examine sedimentation pressure in foothills watersheds. 2019 Canadian Water Resources Association (CWRA) Alberta Branch Conference, October.
- Hampton T, Basu N. 2019. Flow changes at the annual versus seasonal scale following wildfire in the American West. European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2019, EGU2019-1404, Vienna, Austria April 7-12 (poster).
Theme 3
- Valero AM, Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, 2024. Characterizing Benthic Bacterial Communities and Predicting Bacterial Nutrient Cycling in Areas Impacted by Wildfires in Fort McMurray, Canada. Phycological Society of America (PSA) Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, July 29.
- Shardlow T, Emelko MB, Müller KM, 2024. Molecular Characterization of Cyanobacteria from a Wildfire Impacted Drinking Water Supply in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. Phycological Society of America (PSA) Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, July 29, poster. Best poster award.
- Virgin TL, Müller KM, Emelko MB, 2024. Whose Toxin Is It Anyway? Using Metagenomics to Identify Potential Toxin-producing Cyanobacteria in a Drinking Water Reservoir. Phycological Society of America (PSA) Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, July 29, oral & poster.
- Brijlall H, Krishna A, Emelko MB, Müller KM, 2024. The Dark Side of Cyanobacteria: Expanding our Understanding of Non-photosynthetic Cyanobacteria Distribution Across Freshwater Systems. Phycological Society of America (PSA) Annual Meeting, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA, July 29, poster.
- Brijlall H, 2024. The Dark Side of Cyanobacteria: Expanding our Understanding of Nonphotosynthetic Cyanobacteria in Freshwater Systems. 50th Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2024: Dismantling Biophobia, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, May 3 [Micro & Molecular Biology session].
- Shardlow T, 2024. Molecular Characterization of Cyanobacteria from a Wildfire Impacted Drinking Water Supply in Fort McMurray, Alberta, Canada. 50th Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2024: Dismantling Biophobia, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, May 3 [Micro & Molecular Biology session].
- Krishna A, 2024. What does qPCR and Marker Sequencing Tell Us about Potential Cyanobacterial Blooms? 50th Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2024: Dismantling Biophobia, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, May 4, poster.
- Valero A, 2024. Characterizing Benthic Bacterial Communities in Areas Impacted by Wildfires in Fort McMurray. 50th Ontario Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution Colloquium 2024: Dismantling Biophobia, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, ON, Canada, May 4, poster.
- Blackburn EAJ, Dickson-Anderson SE, Anderson WB, Emelko MB. 2023. Biological filtration is resilient to wildfire ash-associated organic carbon threats to drinking water treatment. ACS ES&T Water, 3(3):639-649. [Article]
- Nath BD, Schuster-Wallace CJ, Dickson-Anderson SE. 2022. Headwater-to-consumer drinking water security assessment framework and associated indicators for small communities in high-income countries. Water Resources Management, 36(3):805-834. [Article]
- Schmidt PJ, Cameron ES, Müller KM, Emelko MB. 2022. Ensuring that fundamentals of quantitative microbiology are reflected in microbial diversity analyses based on next-generation sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology, 13:728146. [Article]
- Cameron ES, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Characterization of cyanobacterial communities in lakes requires consideration of diurnal and spatial variation. Water Research. Preprint, Manuscript no. WR67523.
- Emelko MB. 2022. New challenges, new contaminants, & new technologies: Why the old foundations of risk management are more important than ever. University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, November 30. Invited.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U. 2022. The legacy of wildfire in Fort McMurray, Canada: Elevated organic carbon, cyanobacteria blooms, and treatment upgrades. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, November 16.
- Blackburn EAJ, Emelko MB, Dickson-Anderson S, Anderson WB. 2022. The promise of biofiltration for treatment of wildfire-ash impacted water. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, November 14. Poster.
- Emelko MB, Rempp A, Stone M, Müller KM, Shardlow TJ, Bahramian S, Amiri F, Francescangeli B. 2022. Climate change adaptation lessons from severe wildfire in Fort McMurray: Extensions to other fire-prone regions and beyond. CWWA National Water & Wastewater Conference, Halifax, NS, November 9.
- Emelko MB. 2022. Managing climate change threats to drinking water security: Adaptation through treatability prioritization. International Workshop for Innovation in Safe Drinking Water, UNICAMP, Brazil, October 10. Keynote – Invited.
- Skwaruk J, Emelko MB, Kundert K, Silins U, Stone M. 2022. Fires, floods and other landscape disturbances: Key insights for increasing utility preparedness. Western Canada Water Conference (WCW22), Calgary AB, September 15.
- Kundert K, Emelko MB. 2022. Powering up your coagulation game. Zeta potential usage at a large high-rate conventional water treatment plant for optimizing dual media filtration. Western Canada Water Conference (WCW22), Calgary, AB, September 15.
- Emelko MB. 2022. The City of Calgary, Spray Lake Sawmills, and the forWater Network: Groundbreaking strategies for ensuring drinking water security in the BRB. Bow River Basin Council Educational & Networking Forum, Calgary, AB, September 13. Invited.
- Shardlow T, Aljoudi G, Yang A, Stone M, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Contributions of fine sediment to cyanobacterial proliferation in a drinking water reservoir. Canadian Society of Microbiologists, Guelph, ON, June 26-29.
- Abed H, Emelko MB, Cameron ES, Müller KM. 2022. Seasonal presence of cyanobacterial toxin & N2-fixing genes in an oligotrophic watershed using metagenomic analyses. Canadian Society of Microbiologists, Guelph, ON, June 26-29.
- Emelko MB. 2022. The role of green and grey infrastructure in water resilience. Water Institute, University of Waterloo, June 9. Invited.
- Collis CC, Tromas N, Emelko MB, Müller KM, Nissimov JI. 2022. Viral communities in freshwater environments investigated through metagenomic analysis of Big Turkey Lake, Ontario. Canadian Society of Virology, Edmonton, AB, June 5-7.
- Schmidt PJ, Cameron ES, Müller KM, Emelko MB. 2022. Amplicon sequencing diversity analysis: Multinomial models and variants you don’t know you didn’t see. Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting, Online, June 3.
- Shardlow T, Aljoudi G, Yang A, Stone M, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Contributions of fine sediment to cyanobacterial proliferation in a drinking water reservoir. 12th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, Toledo, OH, May 22-27. Poster MS #1112.
- Shardlow T, Aljoudi G, Yang A, Stone M, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Contributions of fine sediment to cyanobacterial proliferation in a drinking water reservoir. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM), Grand Rapids, MI, May 18. Poster 1683.
- Abed H, Emelko MB, Cameron ES, Müller KM. 2022. Characterizing the presence of cyanobacterial toxin and N2-fixing genes in Turkey Lakes Watershed. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM), Grand Rapids, MI, May 16.
- Blackburn EAJ, Anderson WB, Dickson-Anderson S, Emelko MB, 2022. Drinking water treatment resilience to climate-exacerbated source water quality fluctuations: Is biofiltration a promising solution? Ontario’s Water Conference & Tradeshow, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, May 3 [University Research session].
- Emelko MB. 2022. Some of the biggest treatment threats don’t start with “contamination”: Climate change adaptation insights from wildfire research that extend beyond fire-prone areas. Ontario Water Works Association Treatment Webinar, Online, March 24. Invited.
- Emelko MB. 2022. Drinking water security, climate change adaptation, and the critical role of river hydraulics. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) National Student Conference, Online, February 27. Invited.
- Cameron ES, Schmidt PJ, Tremblay BJ-M, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2021. Enhancing diversity analysis by repeatedly rarefying next generation sequencing data describing microbial communities. Scientific Reports, 11:22302. [Article]
- Blackburn EAJ, Emelko MB, Dickson-Anderson S, Stone M, 2021. Advancing on the promises of techno-ecological nature-based solutions: A framework for green technology in water supply and treatment. Blue-Green Systems, 3(1):81-94. [Article]
- Shaheen M, Ashbolt NJ. 2021. Differential bacterial predation by free-living amoebae may result in blooms of Legionella in drinking water systems. Microorganisms, 9(1):174. [Article]
- Emelko MB. 2021. Source water protection and climate change adaptation for treatment resilience. Singapore International Water Week, June 29 [TW.12 Climate change, water quality and health].
- Müller KM. 2021 Evaluation and managing key threats to drinking water security: Cyanobacteria and cyanotoxins. The Water Institute summer school. Climate change and water security in urbanized watersheds: An interdisciplinary perspective. June 16.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U, Skwaruk J, Shardlow T, Emmerton CA, Cooke C, Schmidt PJ. 2021. Drinking water treatment after severe wildfire at the large basin scale: Insights, challenges, and successes. AWWA Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE'21), In person & Online San Diego, CA, USA, June 15 [VS2_18 Wildfire impacts on treatment and distribution systems].
- Emelko MB, Silins U. 2021. Effects of landscape disturbance on Alberta’s water supplies: Source water protection and adaptation in a warmer world. Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Annual General Mtg, June 15.
- Blackburn EAJ, Emelko MB, Dickson-Anderson SE. 2021. Value of green versus grey drinking water technologies for rural, remote, and marginalized (RRM) communities in Canada. 2021 Ontario's Virtual Water Conference & Trade Show, April 30.
- Shardlow T, Müller KM, Emelko MB. 2021. Cyanobacteria community composition and diversity among lakes from forested Watersheds utilized as drinking water sources in two maritime ecozones. 12th International Phycological Congress - IPC2021, March 22-26.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Yang A, Shardlow T, Kwok A, Silins U, Knezic N. 2020. Particulate phosphorus characterization along the river continuum indicates the importance of fine sediment management to drinking water treatability. American Geophysical Union (AGU) On-line Fall Meeting, H061-0005, December.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U, Skwaruk JS, Shardlow T, Emmerton C, Cooke CA, Schmidt PJ. 2020. Drinking water source quality and treatability impacts of severe wildfire at the large basin scale: The legacy of the 2016 Horse River Wildfire in Fort McMurray, Canada. American Geophysical Union (AGU) On-line Fall Meeting, H095-04, December.
- Deb Nath B, Dickson-Anderson SE, Schuster-Wallace CJ. 2020. Headwater-to-consumer drinking water security assessment framework and associated indicators for small communities. American Geophysical Union (AGU) On-line Fall Meeting, Abstract H144-0003, December.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U, Schmidt PJ, Skwaruk JS, Shardlow T, Emmerton CA, Cooke C, Schmidt PJ. 2020. Water quality and treatability after disturbance: Planning for water supply and treatment resilience. After the Flames: Post-fire Water Quality Impacts & Mitigation, Coalitions & Collaboratives, Colorado, USA, December 3.
- Emelko MB, Skwaruk JS, Silins U, Stone M, Müller KM. 2020. Wildfire and pathogen threats to water. Alberta Innovates Water Innovation Connect Series, November 18 (webinar).
- Blackburn EAJ, Emelko MB, Dickson-Anderson SE. 2020. Green technology: At the cutting edge of drinking water security for Rural, Remote, and Marginalized (RRM) communities. 1st Virtual Canadian Symposium on Water Quality Research, July 24.
- Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M. 2020. Bushfire response—Linking long-term monitoring & impacts: A Canadian perspective. Water Services Association of Australia, April 8 (webinar).
- Dickson-Anderson SE, Lucier KJ, Schuster-Wallace CJ. 2020. Local water security: Rural, remote, and marginalized communities. Inclusive and Intersectional Research and Analysis in Engineering and Computer Science, NSF & NSERC, Washington DC.
- Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, Adamowicz W, Anderson A, Cherlet E, Collins C, Cooke C, Dupont D, Dyck M, Emmerton C, Flannigan M, Hawthorn K, Krishnappan B, Martens A, Parisien M, Robinne F, Quideau S, Wagner M, Wang X, Williams CHS. 2020. Effects of wildfire on Alberta’s water supplies: Source water protection in a warmer world. Bow River Basin Council Legislation & Policy Workshop – Land Use Effects on Water Quality, Cochrane, AB, February 21.
- Müller, KM. 2020. Reflections on leadership from a remote continent. Ideas to Shape the Future: Fighting Climate Change. THEMUSEUM, Kitchener, ON, February 5.
- Shaheen M, Scott C, Ashbolt NJ. 2019. Long-term persistence of infectious Legionella with free-living amoebae in drinking water biofilms. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 222(4):678-686. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijheh.2019.04.007. [Article]
- Skwaruk J, Emelko MB, Stone M, Silins U. 2019. Extreme water quality requires extreme treatment: Ensuring adequate drinking water supply and treatment after wildfire. Wildland Fire Canada, Session S4: Paleo and Post-fire Dynamics, Ottawa, ON, November 18-21.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Silins U. 2019. Wildfire impacts on drinking water: The importance of differentiating water quality and treatability. Wildland Fire Canada, Session S4: Paleo and Post-fire Dynamics, Ottawa, ON, November 18-21.
- Bedjera S, Blackburn E, Emelko MB, Dickson-Anderson SE. 2019. A holistic approach to measuring “Drinking Water Success” in Indigenous communities in Canada. Canadian Science Policy Conference (CSPC), Ottawa, ON, November 13-15.
- Deb Nath B, Dickson-Anderson SE, Schuster-Wallace CJ. 2019. Development of a framework for the selection, design, and operation of green treatment trains for small communities. Student Research Showcase, Global Water Futures & McMaster Water Network, Hamilton, ON, October 29-November 1, Hamilton, ON.
- Emelko MB. 2019. Re-thinking drinking water security: Are outdated policies and technology concepts precluding scientific advancement and public health protection? McMaster Water Week, Hamilton, ON, October 29 (plenary keynote).
- Skwaruk J, Emelko MB, Stone M, Silins U. 2019. Water and fire: Impacts of wildfire on drinking water quality and treatability. Western Canada Water Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, September 16-20.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U. 2019. Managing drinking water treatability threats from algal proliferation from the source to plant intake. Canadian Water Network (CWN) Webinar: Managing Algal Blooms-Watershed Management Approaches, September 18.
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Silins U, Müller KM. 2019. Drinking water treatability and treatment: What’s missing in risk management? Pre-conference Workshop: Strategies for Assessing Risks and Achieving Active Source Water Protection, Western Canada Water Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, September 17.
- Kwok AK, Müller KM, Emelko MB. 2019. High-throughput sequencing of cyanobacterial communities in boreal plains lakes. Phycological Society of America 73rd Annual Meeting, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, July 29-August 2.
- Emelko MB. 2019. Association of Environmental Engineering and Science Professors (AEESP) Lecture: More important than ever: Drinking water treatability and resilience assessment for climate change adaptation. AWWA's Annual Conference & Exposition (ACE), Denver, CO, June 10 (keynote).
- Emelko MB. 2019. Modeling critical infrastructure interdependencies. CWWA Window on Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, June 3.
- Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Adamowicz V, Anderson A, Collins AL, Dupont D, Dyck M, Eykelbosh A, Krishnappan BB. 2019. The future of water supply and watershed management in Alberta: Best source-to-tap practices for source water protection in the eastern slopes. Alberta Innovates Water Innovation Program Forum, Edmonton, AB, May 22-23.
- Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M. 2019. Water quality and treatability in a changing climate. B.C. Climate Action Secretariat, April 18 (webinar).
- Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M. 2019. Ensuring safe, secure drinking water when extreme events are the new normal: Strategies learned from research and practice. Alberta Water & Wastewater Operators Association Annual Conference, Banff, AB, March 15.
- Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Williams CHS, Wagner MJ, Martens AM, Hawthorn K, Spencer SA, Adamowicz W, Anderson A, Collins AL, Dyck M, Krishnappan BG, Müller KM, Quideau S. 2019. Watershed resistance and resilience to extreme events: Insights from wildfire and flooding in Alberta. 56th Annual Alberta Soil Science Workshop, Calgary, AB, February 19-21 (invited plenary).
- Bahramian S, Emelko MB, Silins U, Stone M, Shams S, Williams CHS. 2018. Preliminary assessment of contemporary forest harvesting impacts on NOM and disinfection by-product formation potential. AWWA Water Quality and Technology Conference, Toronto, ON, November 13, TUE13.
- Emelko MB. 2018. forWater: NSERC Network for Forested Drinking Water Source Protection Technologies. TU Vienna, Austria, June 21 (invited talk).
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Silins U. 2018. Wildfire threats to water security: Source-to-tap case studies from Western Canada. College of Science Seminar Series, Swansea University, Swansea, UK, May 8 (distinguished lecturer seminar).
Theme 4
- Pan Z, Brouwer R, Emelko MB. 2022. Correlating forested green infrastructure to water rates and adverse water quality incidents: A spatial instrumental variable regression model. Forest Policy & Economics, 140:102756. [Article]
- Pan Z, Brouwer R. 2021. A theoretical modeling framework to support investment decisions in green and grey infrastructure under risk and uncertainty. Journal of Forest Economics, 36(4):407-440. [Article]
- Pan Z, Brouwer R. 2020. The impact of green infrastructure on water treatment costs and drinking water incidents: A spatial instrumental variable regression model. 25th Annual Conference of the European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (Virtual), June 25.
- Ovando P, Brouwer R. 2019. A review of economic approaches modeling the complex interactions between forest management and watershed services. Journal of Forest Policy and Economics, 100:164-176. DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2018.12.007. [Article]
- Pan Z, Brouwer R. 2019. A theoretical modeling framework to support investment decisions in green and grey infrastructure under risk and uncertainty. European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists Annual Conference, Manchester, UK, June.
Allied Works
- Goodbrand A, Anderson AE, Devito KJ, Silins U. 2022. Untangling harvest-streamflow responses in foothills conifer forests: Nexus of teleconnections, summer-dominated precipitation, and storage. Hydrological Processes, 36(2):e14479. [Article]
- Spencer SA, Anderson AE, Silins U, Collins AL. 2021. Hillslope and groundwater contributions to streamflow in a Rocky Mountain watershed underlain by glacial till and fractured sedimentary bedrock. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 25(1):237-255. [Article]
- Emelko MB, Stone M, Muller K, Silins U. 2021. Drinking water security after severe wildfire in Alberta: Initial risks and treatment technology resilience. Presentation to council, Regional Municipality of Wood Buffalo, Ft. McMurray, AB, September 20
- Silins U, Stone M, Dyck M, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Turner T, Herlein K, Enns S, Hehr B, Spencer SA, Quideau S, Emelko MB, 2021. Effects of the Kenow fire on WLNP streams: Initial impacts 1st three years after the fire. Parks Canada Workshop, Waterton Lakes National Park, September 9.
- Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Williams CHS, Wagner MJ, Martens AM, Hawthorn K, Spencer SA, Herlein K, Adamowicz W, Anderson AE, Collins AL, Dyck M, Krishnappan BG, Quideau S. 2021. Wildfire impacts to water in the Rocky Mountains: How much can we generalize? Crown Managers Partnership, Fire in the Crown of the Continent. Online, March 22-26 (Invited).
- Emmerton CA, Cooke CA, Hustins S, Silins U, Emelko MB, Lewis T, Kruk MK, Taube N, Zhu D, Jackson B, Stone M, Kerr JG, Orwin JF. 2020. Severe western Canadian wildfire affects water quality even at large basin scales. Water Research, 183:116071. [Article]
- Robinne F-N, Bladon KD, Silins U, Emelko MB, Flannigan MD, Parisien M-A, Wang X, Kienzle SW, and Dupont DP. 2019. A regional-scale index for assessing the exposure of drinking-water sources to wildfires, Forests, 10(5): 384-405. [Article]
- Nunes JP, Doerr SH, Sheridam G, Neris J, Santín C, Emelko MB, Silins U, Robichaud PR, Elliot WJ, and Keizer, J. 2018. Assessing water contamination risk from vegetation fires: challenges, opportunities and a framework for progress, Hydrological Processes, 32(5): 687-694. [Article]