Refereed Journal ArticlesMaltauro R, Stone M, Collins AL, Krishnappan BG, Silins U. 2023. Effect of shear-dependent flocculation on the multimodality of effective particle size distributions in a gravel-bed river during high flows. Journal of Soils and Sediments. Blackburn EAJ, Dickson-Anderson SE, Anderson WB, Emelko MB. 2023. Biological filtration is resilient to wildfire ash-associated organic carbon threats to drinking water treatment. ACS ES&T Water, 3(3):639-649. McPhail S, Buttle JM, Webster KL, Leach JA. 2023. Persistent chemostatic behaviour of stream solutes in a northern hardwood forest under climatic and atmospheric deposition changes. Hydrological Processes. In Press. Pan Z, Brouwer R, Emelko MB. 2022. Correlating forested green infrastructure to water rates and adverse water quality incidents: A spatial instrumental variable regression model. Forest Policy & Economics, 140:102756. Hampton TB, Lin S, Basu NB. 2022. Forest fire effects on stream water quality at continental scales: A meta-analysis. Environmental Research Letters, 17(6):064003. DOI:10.1088/1748-9326/ac6a6c. Hampton TB, Basu NB. 2022. A novel Budyko-based approach to quantify post-forest-fire streamflow response and recovery timescales. Journal of Hydrology, 608:127685. Schmidt PJ, Cameron ES, Müller KM, Emelko MB. 2022. Ensuring that fundamentals of quantitative microbiology are reflected in microbial diversity analyses based on next-generation sequencing. Frontiers in Microbiology,13:728146. Deb Nath B, Schuster-Wallace CJ, Dickson-Anderson SE. 2022. Headwater-to-consumer drinking water security assessment framework and associated indicators for small communities in high-income countries. Water Resources Management, 36(3):805-834. Cameron ES, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Characterization of cyanobacterial communities in lakes requires consideration of diurnal and spatial variation. Water Research. Preprint, Manuscript no. WR67523. Conference PresentationsOrlova J, Olefeldt D, Emelko MB, Amiri F, Bourgeois A, Buttle JM, Cherlet E, Cuss C, Devito K, Floyd BC, Hutchins RHS, Foster DE, Jamieson RC, Johnson MS, McSorley H, Silins U, Qi N, Tank S, Thompson L, Williams CHS. 2022. Influence of landscape, climate and disturbances on the chemical composition of riverine dissolved organic matter across Canada’s forested ecozones. Abstract H56A-05. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 16.
Hampton TB. 2022. Wildfire alters stream nutrient concentration-discharge relationships. Abstract GC53B-06. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 16. Turner E, Silins U, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Stone M, Emelko MB. 2022. Pushing the boundaries of BACI: Effects of the 2017 Kenow Mtn. wildfire on flow regime of Cameron Creek, Waterton Lakes National Park, Alberta, Canada. Abstract GC55H-0331. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 16. Poster. Silins U, Williams CHS, Spencer SA, Wagner MJ, Cherlet E, Stone M, Emelko MB, Anderson AE, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Hawthorn K, Herlein K, Martens AM, Quideau SM. 2022. Fire, flooding, and forestry in a warmer rocky mountain region: Impacts of single and compound natural and anthropogenic land disturbances on watershed sediment production. Abstract NH42B-0417. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 15. Poster. Tullio M, Stone M, Silins U. 2022. Impact of wildfire on particulate phosphorus forms in gravel bed rivers at large basin scales. Abstract H32S-1162. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 14. Poster. Bourgeois A, Tank S, Floyd BC, Olefeldt D, Emelko MB, Amiri F. 2022. Hydrology predominates over harvesting and physiography to control water quality and treatability in forested watersheds on Canada’s Pacific Coast. Abstract H32U-1180. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 14. Poster. Fines R, Stone M, Webster KL, Leach JA, Buttle JM, Emelko MB, Collins A. 2022. Legacy impacts of clear cut harvesting on end member contributions to stream flow and phosphorus concentrations at Turkey Lakes Watershed. Abstract H32S-1163. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago, IL, December 14. Poster. Maltauro R, Stone M, Collins AL, Krishnappan BC, Silins U. 2022. Characterizing multimodality in effective particle size distributions of suspended particulate matter in a gravel bed river. Abstract EP12D-1055. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago IL, December 12. Gray A, Stone M, Emelko MB. 2022. Event-scale variability in the fractional composition of dissolved organic carbon in two Boreal Shield headwater catchments. Abstract H13G-07. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, Chicago IL, December 12. Emelko MB. 2022. New challenges, new contaminants, & new technologies: Why the old foundations of risk management are more important than ever. University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil, November 30. Invited. Emelko MB, Stone M, Müller KM, Silins U. 2022. The legacy of wildfire in Fort McMurray, Canada: Elevated organic carbon, cyanobacteria blooms, and treatment upgrades. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, November 16. Blackburn EAJ, Emelko MB, Dickson-Anderson S, Anderson WB. 2022. The promise of biofiltration for treatment of wildfire-ash impacted water. AWWA Water Quality Technology Conference (WQTC), Cincinnati, OH, November 14. Poster. Silins U, Turner E, Stone M, Emelko MB, Dyck MF, Quideau SM, Williams CHS, Cherlet E, Herlein K. 2022. Effects of Kenow & Lost Ck. fires Rocky Mtn. headwater streams: How much can be generalized after fire? Kenow Wildfire Research Symposium, Waterton Lakes National Park, AB, November 8-10. Invited. Emelko MB, Rempp A, Stone M, Müller KM, Shardlow TJ, Bahramian S, Amiri F, Francescangeli B. 2022. Climate change adaptation lessons from severe wildfire in Fort McMurray: Extensions to other fire-prone regions and beyond. CWWA National Water & Wastewater Conference, Halifax, NS, November 9. Emelko MB, Stone M. 2022. Climate change adaptation lessons from severe wildfire in Fort McMurray: Extensions to other fire-prone regions and beyond. CWWA National Water & Wastewater Conference, Halifax, NS, November 6-9. Stone M. 2022. Landscape disturbance and water quality variability: The urgent need to implement fine sediment management in the water industry. International Workshop for Innovation in Safe Drinking Water, UNICAMP, Brazil, October 11. Keynote – Invited. Emelko MB. 2022. Managing climate change threats to drinking water security: Adaptation through treatability prioritization. International Workshop for Innovation in Safe Drinking Water, UNICAMP, Brazil, October 10. Keynote – Invited. Stone M. 2022. Management of fine sediment threats to water quality: Opportunities, limitations, and the need for strategic watershed monitoring. International Workshop for Innovation in Safe Drinking Water, UNICAMP, Brazil, October 10. Skwaruk J, Emelko MB, Kundert K, Silins U, Stone M. 2022. Fires, floods and other landscape disturbances: Key insights for increasing utility preparedness. Western Canada Water Conference (WCW22), Calgary AB, September 15. Kundert K, Emelko MB. 2022. Powering up your coagulation game. Zeta potential usage at a large high-rate conventional water treatment plant for optimizing dual media filtration. Western Canada Water Conference (WCW22), Calgary, AB, September 15. Emelko MB. 2022. The City of Calgary, Spray Lake Sawmills, and the forWater Network: Groundbreaking strategies for ensuring drinking water security in the BRB. Bow River Basin Council Educational & Networking Forum, Calgary, AB, September 13. Invited. Shardlow T, Aljoudi G, Yang A, Stone M, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Contributions of fine sediment to cyanobacterial proliferation in a drinking water reservoir. Canadian Society of Microbiologists, Guelph, ON, June 26-29. Abed H, Emelko MB, Cameron ES, Müller KM. 2022. Seasonal presence of cyanobacterial toxin & N2-fixing genes in an oligotrophic watershed using metagenomic analyses. Canadian Society of Microbiologists, Guelph, ON, June 26-29. Emelko MB. 2022. The role of green and grey infrastructure in water resilience. Water Institute, University of Waterloo, June 9. Invited. Collis CC, Tromas N, Emelko MB, Müller KM, Nissimov JI. 2022. Viral communities in freshwater environments investigated through metagenomic analysis of Big Turkey Lake, Ontario. Canadian Society of Virology, Edmonton, AB, June 5-7. Schmidt PJ, Cameron ES, Müller KM, Emelko MB. 2022. Amplicon sequencing diversity analysis: Multinomial models and variants you don’t know you didn’t see. Statistical Society of Canada Annual Meeting, Online, June 3. Watkins M. 2022. The effects of forest disturbance on water quality in the Algoma region, central Ontario. CMOS-CGU-ESC 2022: Advances in Forest Hydrology Part 1. Virtual conference. June 2. Gray A, Stone M. 2022. Event-scale hydrologic responses in a hardwood dominated headwater catchment 25 years following clearcut harvesting. CMOS-CGU-ESC 2022: Advances in Forest Hydrology Part 1. Virtual conference. June 2. Fines W, Stone M, Webster KL, Leach JA, Buttle JM, Emelko MB. 2022. Immediate and legacy impacts of several forest harvesting approaches on phosphorus yields in the experimental Turkey Lakes Watershed. CGU Student meeting, University of Saskatchewan, June 2. Gray A, Stone M, Webster KL, Leach JA, Buttle JM, Emelko MB. 2022. Event-scale hydrologic responses in a sugar maple dominated headwater catchment 25 years following clearcut harvesting. CGU Student meeting, University of Saskatchewan, June 2. Shardlow T, Aljoudi G, Yang A, Stone M, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Contributions of fine sediment to cyanobacterial proliferation in a drinking water reservoir. 12th International Conference on Toxic Cyanobacteria, Toledo, OH, May 22-27. Poster MS #1112. Shardlow T, Aljoudi G, Yang A, Stone M, Emelko MB, Müller KM. 2022. Contributions of fine sediment to cyanobacterial proliferation in a drinking water reservoir. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM), Grand Rapids, MI, May 18. Poster 1683. Abed H, Emelko MB, Cameron ES, Müller KM. 2022. Characterizing the presence of cyanobacterial toxin and N2-fixing genes in Turkey Lakes Watershed. Joint Aquatic Sciences Meeting (JASM), Grand Rapids, MI, May 16. Silins U, Anderson AE, Cherlet E, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Emelko MB, Fitzpatrick J, Hawthorn K, Herlein K, Krishnappan BG, Martens AM, Quideau SM, Spencer SA, Stone M, Wagner MJ, Williams CHS. 2022. Strategic issues in disturbance hydrology of Alberta’s eastern slopes: Déjà vu and emerging pressures. Foothills Research Institute, Water and Fish Program workshop, Edmonton, AB, May 10-12. Invited. Blackburn EAJ, Anderson WB, Dickson-Anderson S, Emelko MB, 2022. Drinking water treatment resilience to climate-exacerbated source water quality fluctuations: Is biofiltration a promising solution? Ontario’s Water Conference & Tradeshow, Niagara Falls, ON, Canada, May 3 [University Research session]. Silins U, Emelko MB, Stone M, Cooke C, Emmerton C, Williams CHS, Wagner M, Martens AM, Anderson AE, Collins AL, Dyck MF, Quideau SM. 2022. Wildfire impacts to water: How much can we generalize? Resilience Institute: Fire & Ice program; Wildfire in a Changing World Workshop, Online, April 22. Emelko MB. 2022. Some of the biggest treatment threats don’t start with “contamination”: Climate change adaptation insights from wildfire research that extend beyond fire-prone areas. Ontario Water Works Association Treatment Webinar, Online, March 24. Invited. Emelko MB. 2022. Drinking water security, climate change adaptation, and the critical role of river hydraulics. Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (CSCE) National Student Conference, Online, February 27. Invited.
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